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Тест по английскому, начальный уровень

Пожалуйста, ответьте на 15 вопросов теста по английскому языку начального уровня, указав правильный ответ в каждом вопросе.

Правильный ответ всегда есть и он только один.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода на английский язык:

1. Мне очень нравится этот дом!
I like a house very much!
I very like this house!
I like this house very much!
I very like this home!

2. Вы очень хорошо говорите по-русски!
You speak Russian very good!
You very good speak Russian!
You very well speak Russian!
You speak Russian very well!

3. Вы умеете плавать?
Can you swim?
Can you to swim?
Do you can swim?
Are you can swim?

4. Тебе нравится готовить?
Are you like to cook?
Are you like cooking?
Do you like cook?
Do you like cooking?

5. У нас есть машина.
At us is a car.
We have a car.
Us have a car.
We are a car.

6. Машина в гараже.
A car is in the garage.
The car is in the garage.
In the garage is a car.
There is a car in the garage.

7. В гараже машина.
There is a car in the garage.
The car is in the garage.
There is a car at the garage.
In the garage is a car.

8. На столе есть много фруктов.
There are a lot of fruit on the table.
On the table are a lot of fruits.
On the table is a lot of fruit.
There is a lot of fruit on the table.

9. Обычно мы обедаем дома.
Often we lunch at home.
Usually we lunch at home.
We usually have a lunch in home.
We usually have lunch at home.

10. Вчера мы дома обедали.
Yesterday we had lunch at home.
Yesterday we lunched at home.
Yesterday we did lunch at home.
Yesterday we at home had lunch.

11. Ты сейчас играешь в гольф?
Are you playing golf now?
Is you playing golf now?
Do you play golf now?
Are you play golf now?

12. Я никогда не был в Париже.
I never been in Paris.
I never were in Paris.
I have never been in Paris.
I have never been to Paris.

Выберите правильный вариант ответа на вопрос:

13. Does he like his new job?
Yes, it is.
Yes, it does.
Yes, he does.
Yes, he likes.

14. Have you had dinner yet?
No, I didn’t.
No, I hadn’t.
No, I have.
Not yet.

15. What would you like to have for desert?
I like an ice-cream.
I want for desert an ice-cream.
I’d like an ice-cream.
Yes, thank you.


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